Design stages

  • Discovery
  • Proof of concept
  • Iteration and validation
  • Minimum lovable product

What is expected from you, the client.

What we would like from you is a clear goal that you want to achieve. This goal can be a question that you would like answering (Why aren't our customers engaging with...?) or it can be a metric that you think needs improvement (Click reduction, conversion increase), which ever it is we want to understand what you need to change and we would like to avoid a suggested solution approach before any investigation has taken place.

Below is a list of typical basic questions that we will ask you, this is so we can get a good grasp of whats going on and what you want to achieve. If you're able to answer these before any meetings or request you'll save some time.

  • Who is it for or aimed at?
  • What is the problem?
  • When does it happen?
  • Where does it happen?
  • Why are we doing it? (This ones the big one)
  • How will it help?

It will also be really beneficial to come armed with any other research, metrics, insights or documentation to go with what you want to achieve.

What you will get from us.

We're here to give you insights into how customers are behaving and recommendations on customer interaction best practices.

Depending on the problem, scope and how in-depth you want to go you, you'll get our recommendation on what we believe will be the best approach for your problem or question to succeed. This recommendation will not be our opinion but a quantified result of research, tests and studies conducted with customers to make sure it will not hurt the business by impacting the customers interaction or perception.

Discovery and vision

Discovery & Vision provides the foundations: an assessment of the landscape, evaluation of existing data & tech, clear statement of vision & goals, user research, plus a prioritised solution roadmap.

Below is a listing of typical activities to happen within this stage of design.

Planning and product immersion

  • Kick off workshop with all stakeholders
  • Logistics
  • Immersion in product and business goals

Research and insights

  • Interviews with users to gather in-depth primary research
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Evaluation of the existing product
  • Identify any potential opportunities and barriers
  • Evaluation of existing processes and materials
  • Competitor review and analysis
  • Initial IT analysis

User Journeys

  • Understanding user groups
  • Opportunity analysis
  • User journey confirmation
  • Discussion & refinement

Roadmap Planning

  • Determining requirements
  • Creation of product roadmap
  • Select the solution to deliver as a POC in the next sprint
  • Prioritisation of the roadmap features
  • Planning for the program of work
  • Findings report and presentation

Proof of concept

A POC is used to demonstrate and validate a design concept and/or its technical feasibly using a subset of product features. It’s not a fully working solution but it includes enough to bring the solution to life.

  • Rapidly sketching screens based on agreed user journey
  • Iterating designs based upon stakeholder feedback and findings from the Vision Sprint
  • Finally, compiling the flow into a ‘clickable’ prototype

Iteration and validation

The clickable prototype simulating the experience will be tested with internal and real users to validate the solution, which will help with investment decisions.

  • Prototype testing with internal users and real users
  • Iterating designs based upon real user feedback
  • Learnings will help us make an informed decision what our Minimum Lovable Product should be

Minimum lovable product (MLP)

After the process is complete creating a POC and going through the Iteration & Validation stage we will then have an evidence base for the next stage, the creation of a Minimum Lovable Product that delivers real value and can be launched to a wider group of users.

  • Define the Minimum Lovable Product
  • Development can start with UX team support