I'm passionate about design and I have been for a long long time.

I like to understand  products, how they work, how they don't work, what perceptions we have about them and how we could make them work.

I also love talking to the people involved, customers, stakeholders, users and anyone else that might be involved. The more we know about what they want from something the easier it is to produce.

I currently work for WiggleCRC where I design, conduct, analyse and report on user-centred research and testing; providing advice for product development and investigations.

My main responsibilities include the identification of user needs,  goals, tasks, and flows. Conducting and planning various user testing (unmoderated, moderated, and gorilla) as well as facilitating workshops and ideation sessions.

I've also spent a lot of time working on exposing user experience and it's benefits to the wider business and putting into place lifecycle processes, standardisations to help efficiency.